January 2018
6 rules after which Google indexes your site
Regardless of the business of your business and to be visible in the online environment, launch your bussiness on the Internet by developing a website. And now that Google expects to save your site through search engine-specific techniques and principles, we'll show you the most important SEO rules that help Google position you in the top searches made by web users. SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization and translates to optimizing search engine webpages.
As often stated, "if you do not have a Facebook page, you practically do not exist", the same can be measured for the importance of search engines for your site to be optimized, without which you will not be found and scanned the process of indexing web pages, in fact your site does not exist.
1. Site content
Content is the basic pillar or if you want, the king out of a crowd. You have to write a unique content specific to each page so that the audience, that is, people as they access your site, finds it useful and valuable. The way you format your web pages can have a positive or negative impact on how Google will "digest" the content. Every page you create should have a challenging title to attract the reader's attention, contain the keyword or the expression the web page represents.
2. URL Structure
The actual structure of your site's URL can significantly contribute to the ability of search engines to index and understand the content of web pages. Choosing a more structured URL structure will have the greatest impact. If you can edit the URL to include the title of the webpage, you should do it immediately. In fact, some web developers create URLs based on the webpage title to eliminate this problem. Search for the best!
3. Title tags
When a search engine robots scans the site pages, they search for clues that accurately determine what's on the web page. By inserting different title tags with different sizes (H1, H2, H3), besides providing readers with easy-to-read content, the most important aspect is the offer you put at the disposal of search engines in indexing defining what is most important on a web page.
4. Meta tags
There are two categories of meta tags - meta description and keywords. The meta description is a piece of text that briefly describes the topic, a sort of summary of the web page. If your site pages do not have a meta description, search engines usually randomly select part of the content of the page they are linking to. This description is limited to 150 characters, and to encourage people to visit your site, this mini-land needs to be exciting and unique. Keywords are in fact an enumeration of some of the most important words that best reflect the content or theme of the web page. The recommendation is to insert between 5-10 keywords on each web page.
5. Optimize filenames
Google will not just take a look at the title tags, but all search engines will pay special attention to the file names of the webpages and images found. Each image that you upload to the site must contain a file name. When the image is inserted on the site, the file name of the image actually lives in the source code of the site. Because search engines scan the website code, it would be advisable to use the names of the files that effectively describe the image. For example, you have a real estate business, the name of the images can be in the form of "apartment-sale-timisoara.jpg" being much more useful than "imag012345.jpg".
6. Internal Links
When creating content for your site, blog, or for certain web pages, it might be advisable to consult the other pages on your site. You can link to other pages by inserting a link to another web page that matches the theme you described. When an anchor text is used, it implies that the page you are connecting to is related to the keyword or phrase you use as an anchor. This is another way you can help search engines find you.
Consequently, if you want to be as easy to find as Google, an aspect of increased visibility amongst the internet, it will take the 6 steps and you will know online success.
Image source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/303761